Wednesday 7 May 2014

Terminality of Terminal ..or .. 'can it play Spy Hunter?'

David Shaw

15 February

Hi guys.

I recently installed Ubuntu,.. my OH and I were in Limketkai mall, we went in to the apple-like store and she got to see for the first time, OS X.. and a macbook pro. we talked about operating systems, to my delight. i told her about Ubuntu, using the analogy that OS X and Ubuntu are like twins. Both very secure both very fast.. polar opposites in the approach to funding.. one heavily commercial the other FOSS. but certain things are bothering me.. and I'd like to share.

I blogged about this in 2009 on zdnet uk.. the attitude of Linux Devs, that the end user should HAVE to use terminal. no Windows dev would dare assume that a windows end user should have to use CMD to use or install their program. .. while it has improved slightly in the 5 years since i blogged, i still only, 1 hour ago, had to use terminal to do things. yes there is the software center. its good, needs a little style improvement, but yeah i like its functionality regardless... wait wait wait.. did i just contradict myself, for the sake and the sake that happens over and over.. that Linux users are GRATEFUL for getting work for free?? no no thats not good enough! that attitude holds back the whole community, through lack of ẗrue critical response. which is the very center of what improvement is..

where inspiration meets truth and correction.

.. to coin a phrase.

Being honest, Ubuntu is versatile, perennially incomplete, has great expectations of a simple end user regardless of their actual ability, and could be OS X tomorrow, with a very minimal amount of work (user operability). with three simple changes.. Canonical hires design staff, oh I love unity desktop, but things like software center still have strange blank style pages. not just software center.. other places too.. like in settings. an initiative to let linux devs know.. its not okay just because YOU'RE a geek, that everyone who will use your program will be fine with terminal (´oh they should just learn terminal commands.. yadda yadda.. i find it much easier.. WHAT?? YOU are a developer and you find CODE easy? big flipping shock!! .. no one should ever have to go into terminal. ever. .. how often do you think the average windows user spends in CMD.. i showed cmd to couple of people over the years.. they were frighten of cmd). true story!

finally to the third correction i'd like to suggest.. don't just accept mediocre coz you got it for free. complain tell the truth and show you love Linux and that you want it to improve, not languish in the past.. like some 80's zx spectrum game. LOAD ´SPY HUNTER´ ..beeeeep beup! beee..



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