Thursday 8 May 2014

Can AMD Pull Off SoC? or..Schrodinger's Rabbit


Let's chat about about the often sung potents of SoC.

There is no rabbit in AMD's hat. premise one.

AMD have often let their fanbase down, I say often but I really mean three times, but that hurt a bit didn't it? Phenom 1, Zambezi FX (on release) and their gaff on the server market, which means we don't get Opteron side-tech the following year for desktop.

The Phenom 1 is the best example, they had *every* opportunity to make a x64 4 core that would make Intel regret the 'nap' that was the pentium series..but they just couldn't do it.. it wasn't that they weren't trying, they just couldn't do it. ..if I were to guess, the money they made on the first x64 dual cores went into buying ATI.. which *WAS* smart! now they have the same opportunity, with no other 'Lions' in sight!

Intel can't compete *if* AMD manages x86/x64 parallel computing. it is estimated* 100 to 1000 times faster than standard CPU's. for this reason alone.. I think there is no rabbit in AMD's hat. AMD suffer from 'back luck/poor execution'* and NO company is *that* lucky.

I think there might be a 10% increase in computing power, possibly. and AMD will not unlock the potential of the GPU until Intel have managed to move to/past graphene and past the nanometer (2019-2025).

GREAT HOUDINI'S GHOST :O . premise two: they manage it.

I'm actually an AMD fan, I like the compatibility and not having to change my whole system when i upgrade, I have a mental block to new Intel gear because of this fact.

The stuff they are doing with APU's, is something special to behold, IGP's have traditionally been the equivalent of eating out of the bins at macdonalds, now you can game.. proper game with options-and-resolutions-and-3D-and-everything!.. all the gamers jazz we like to hear. 720p is easy now. 1080p is that again '1080p'.

AMD have been planning SoC for *many many* years.. infact they are the only major player to have read books on blackjack. *

They have money pumping at them from Xbox One and PS4 sales, not to mention their own graphics cards sales. They have every opportunity now.. the 'darlings' I think should be now courting AMD financially, because they have so much weight within the industry .. i don't mean the plain 'desktop' market or the shrinking AMD server space..but the general consumer is now getting to know AMD, oh wow!..and investors and potential engineers like that. imagine you're a genius engineer and you work for AMD, you have to explain to your family who AMD are.. you don't have to with Intel. that might and i think prolly will change soon.

So to conclude..

This in the next 3 to 4 years is AMD's 'big moment'.. rise and shine, or fall and red face*.

I root for them.. go AMD!



Notes ------------

*I heard they patch it now but not sure as I didn't own one. but I hear its only 10% less in perf. to the Vishera's now.

*I watched youtube video about GPU's the guy was pretty convincing

*accidental pun

*(you could say a couple of others but money)

* rise and shine 'here comes the sun', or fall and red face 'Tom Green Movie'.

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