Sunday 31 March 2019

Drive Capacities the return.. or a drive is a drive of course of course except of course when they are the famous mister RAID


Hi guys

Firstly please read my complaint of drive manufacturers laziness here:

Q: What stops drive manufacturers putting multi layered PCB multi slot cards of M.2 (M Key) drives?
A: nothing..

The PCIE specification can default to the appropriate maximum speed, now while I do not recommend putting one of these hypothetical drives into a PCIE-1 x1.. it is much more common to have higher speeds.. even at a x16 PCIE-1 that's 250MB/s for 8 drives..but let's take a typical scenario;

Scenario 1

PCI-E 3/four slots of x16

15.8 GB/s

each PCB would have four 1TB drives in Raid JBOD (spanned)
Four PCBs would mean  750MB/s - upto 1GB/s  per PCB (still being double the SSD speed)
total: 16 Terabyte
RAID 0 Speed: upto 12GB/s

Suggested price point: £100/$130

each PCB shows up as a separate disk, which you can choose to software JBOD or RAID 0, using RAID 0 theoretically (if the RAID controller on the PCB is any good), usual max speeds are 3GB/s x four would be upto 12GB/s in RAID 0 for the entire drive.


Scenario 2

PCI-E 4/four slots of x16


each PCB would have four 1TB drives in Raid JBOD (spanned)
Four PCBs would mean upto 7.8GB/s per PCB.
total: 16 Terabyte
RAID 0 Speed: upto 23.6GB/s


Scenario 3

PCI-E 5/four slots of x16


each PCB would have four 1TB drives in Raid JBOD (spanned)
Four PCBs would mean upto 15.75GB/s per PCB.
total: 16 Terabyte
RAID 0 Speed: upto 47.25GB/s


Scenario 4

PCI-E 4/four slots of x16


each PCB would have eight 1TB drives in Raid JBOD (spanned)
Four PCBs would mean upto 3.9GB/s per PCB.
total: 32 Terabyte
RAID 0 Speed: upto 23.6GB/s

Suggested price point: £230/$280


Scenario 5

PCI-E 5/four slots of x16


each PCB would have eight 1TB drives in Raid JBOD (spanned)
Four PCBs would mean upto 7.8GB/s per PCB.
total: 32 Terabyte
RAID 0 Speed: upto 47.25GB/s


Scenario 6

PCI-E 4/four slots of x16


each PCB would have eight 2TB drives in Raid JBOD (spanned)
Four PCBs would mean upto 3.9GB/s per PCB.
total: 64 Terabyte
RAID 0 Speed: upto 23.6GB/s

Suggested price point: £450/$500


Scenario 7

PCI-E 5/four slots of x16


each PCB would have eight 2TB drives in Raid JBOD (spanned)
Four PCBs would mean upto 7.8GB/s per PCB.
total: 64 Terabyte
RAID 0 Speed: upto 47.25GB/s


Scenario 8

PCI-E 4/four slots of x16


each PCB would have twelve 2TB drives in Raid JBOD (spanned)
Four PCBs would mean upto 1.95GB/s per PCB.
total: 96 Terabyte
RAID 0 Speed: upto 7.8GB/s

Suggested price point: £750/$900


Scenario 9

PCI-E 5/four slots of x16


each PCB would have twelve 2TB drives in Raid JBOD (spanned)
Four PCBs would mean upto 3.9GB/s per PCB.
total: 96 Terabyte
RAID 0 Speed: upto 15.6GB/s


Scenario 10 (industrial)

PCI-E 5/four slots of x16


each PCB would have twelve 4TB drives in Raid JBOD (spanned)
Four PCBs would mean upto 3.9GB/s per PCB.
total: 192 Terabyte
RAID 0 Speed: upto 15.6GB/s

192 Terabyte : Suggested price point: £1500/$1800

Inside the drive would be: a very slim riser with four slots, one for each Slave PCB, each would be x16 mechanically but through the onboard chip, each would be x4 electrically.

On the industrial drives, they have splitters to increase speeds:
A double sided PCIE Gold Connecter Master PCB, the splitter simply joins to the other side of the PCIE Connecter, then the end of splitter has multiple ends which fit into the various motherboard PCIE slots.

Price points grouped:

16 Terabyte : Suggested price point: £100/$130
32 Terabyte : Suggested price point: £230/$280
64 Terabyte : Suggested price point: £450/$500
96 Terabyte : Suggested price point: £750/$900

192 Terabyte : Suggested price point: £1500/$1800

::RANT> ::

OR Drive Manf.'s  can sit there and let users drown in drive management problems, not doing their job in this industry. Failing all consumers.To drag out mechanical drives for profit.
Remember its regularly 50GB A GAME! 1TB is filled by 20 games!!!


It's the same chips that are on SSDs using the SATA bus.. SATA is dead, only good for Optical Drives for ripping old discs.. long live the King PCIE!!

:: <RANT::

Sorry, its not EVERY company, but it just burns me to think of certain drive manufacturers sitting back and letting the cash roll in.. to the frustration of their customers.

Monday 4 March 2019

Refresh Rates CheatSheet for 4K TVs


Time to dump a load of info here:

Increased Refresh                                             Increased Resolution
----------------------                                                --------------------------

4K/60hz =                                                        4K/60hz =

1080 @ 240hz                                                  3200x2400 @ 72hz*
-2K-                                                                  3840x2400 @ 60hz
1536 @ 162hz                                                  4096x2560 @ 55hz
1440 @ 144hz                                                  5120x2160 @ 50hz
-3K-                                                                  5120x2560 @ 44hz
1800 @ 94hz                                                    6120x1900 @ 50hz
2048 @ 72hz*                                                  6120x2160 @ 40hz
                                                                          6120x2560 @ 35hz

All used NVCP. All used CVT Reduced Blank. on my Philips 4K 58" HDR TV (HDR was of course off). No Down or upsampling was used for the above resolutions, however in the pictures I think? I still had two test down sampled resolutions, but 95% of the ones in the pics are all active pixels.

To show all pixels were active:

Use this info at your own risk.

*3641x2048 = 16:9 for 2048p

*3K pix, but 2400 wider so 72hz.

Big shoutout to those who helped me no end with their work and websites:

ARC  Aspect Ratio Calculator

Good place to start learning:

Aspect Ratio Table Cheat Sheet:

16:9 Cheat Sheet:

few decent 5K's (but rest a bit old/depreciated):

General Approximations of Terms:

      2 million pix.   = 1K commonly; 1920x1080
3 to 4 million pix   = 2K commonly; 2048x1536 and 2560x1440
5 to 7 million pix   = 3K commonly; 3200x1800
8 to 10 million pix = 4K commonly; 4096x2160
11  to 20 mil. pix   = 5K commonly; 5120x2160, 5120x2880
20 to 30 mil. pix    = 6K commonly; 6400x4096
30 mil. to 36 mil pix = 7K commonly; 7680x4320
 37 mil. pix is 8K   don't get sucked into the 7K as 8K nonsense, 8192x4608 is *true* 8K. It comes from 8 for the first digit.                                                               

4K TV =
(2 million pix.)   = 1K  //// 244hz
(3 to 4 million pix(   = 2K //// 162hz
(5 to 7 million pix)   = 3K //// 144hz
(8 to 10 million pix) = 4K  //// 60hz
(11  to 20 mil. pix)   = 5K  //// 50hz
(20 to 30 mil. pix)    = 6K  //// 40hz
(30 mil. to 36 mil pix) = 7K //// 30hz?
 37 mil. pix is           =   8K //// 20hz?

above is a rough guide to ?K x 2K
But the higher the V-Res, the harder it hits the refresh rate.. asin~
6K x 2K has a baseline of 40hz but
6K x 3K, 6144x3456 overall is 27hz max. clean.
This is because.. well.. idk.. but I strongly suspect it has something to do with the reason V-Sync uses vertical refresh and not horizontal.

My panel in 1K did 243 because 244hz gave me a bit of wobble.. but since 240 is 100% stable and the refresh so high, I don't want to argue over a couple of hz.