Sunday 25 January 2015

A Drill a Hammer and Two Nails.. or Hardware Refresh; Cutting Edge or Happy Wallet?

Hi guys

some music:

Back in 2006-2009 I was just starting my adventure in to building PC's, as soon as the price of the new hardware hit my budget I would upgrade.

Nothing was planned. I spent and wasted money.. yes I got experiance in exchange but if I was more organised.. wow I could have done so much more. PC building great and all, but there is a life outside, and going to the cinema every so often should be part of my plans, just for the experience, going into town to a cafe and get a few things at poundland.. just for fun..should be a regular occurrence.  remind myself why I do what I do by doing something different.

Builders can upgrade often.. everything can be exchanged to another similar part. and you can do that all the year long. but if you're doing it and not seeing big improvements.. honestly..really.. you're just wasting money. you need a SSD and decent amount of RAM & 4 cores and you'll probably have a good windows experience.

This is where 'planning your hardware refresh' comes in..

Depending on what you like and the games you play.. you probably should be thinking 4 years, when you do a build or re-build, plan for the event of 4 years, but YMMV all the jazz.. I try to every 3 years for good reason, because I buy compound cheap, like I bought 3 SanDisk SSD's cheap.. super cheap, and then found while they were meant to be all SATA3 all the way.. I suspect they have most of the parts but then a SATA2 controller chip inside >_<.. so they needed to be replaced after a year to sata3. my 660ti's great run! value for money! but now dead.. but even if they weren't dead I can't survive on 2gb anymore.. its just not enough vram.

My modded Skyrim is 2556 MB, no wonder i was getting such slow-downs and crashes!

All this means due to my budget, I should plan a hardware refresh every 3 years. Most companies go for four, including silicone manufacturers so you should too. Plan at the start of Nvidia or AMD or Intel's refresh*.. which ever you choose and like the most. if you are also planning a backup rig.. choose the other company to understand why and what they offer too, so your experience is educated with real world knowledge and not just nerd-internet-myths.

hope this was the nail you needed to finish that bookshelf.. a thought in the ether, sensible shoes.



* it's actually two years for cards, and four years for chipsets, but the cards are usually older branded ones from the last generation.. so every 4 years.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Modes of international travel.. Dava's guide to getting around t'inter'net

Hi guys

pretty much.. everyone of you already know this kind of stuff..but if your family don't: trying to explain to them 'what's what' of computing can be a pain in the rear. So to aid you in your quest of easily explaining 'what a computer is' to your family and uninitiated friends..

Here is Dava's guide to computers. enjoy!

Using the traffic analogy means we need vehicles to traverse the World. .. 'World Wide Web' that is.


Smartphone: bicycle (3" to 7")

neat and speedy, low feature but attractive and easy.

Tablet : multi speed mountain bicycle (6" to 9")

larger and more rugged, still low feature.

Netbook: Moped (7" to 12")

very easy operation, convenient design, but too low a power for harder tasks.

Notebook: Deluxe Motorcycle. (12" to 14")

fully featured, quick, easy to use. but cannot do any heavy lifting.

Laptop : Ducati Racing Motorcycle (15" to 19" upwards)

ultra featured, usually can game if the specifications are of a premium standard, like the screen. but in many cases still not as powerful as a desktop.

Nettop : 1.0 L Car.

basic. usually used as a home streaming receiver device. fast browsing.  but cannot do the main computing tasks associated with a desktop. high features with low power.

Home Theater PC : small van.

streaming server. usually high capacity (drives). high feature (full windows). but struggles with the more difficult tasks.

Desktop Personal Computer : Saloon/Sedan Car.

Fully featured. can complete tasks within an expected time. can do everything the previous computers can. fast browsing. but is loud, unless treated for loudness. can get internally messy if not treated.


Performance Computer : Ferrari or Lamborghini , Performance SuperCar.

Ultra featured. can do any task quickly, easily. can game.


Workstation Computer : Mercedes G63 6x6 Super Jeep. Lotus Elise, light-weight and precise.

again they can do everything the previous computers can and more. *some* are lower powered for specific reasons and *some* are given alternate parts for a specific reason.

Sub-styles of workstation.

DAW: Lotus Elise, light-weight and precise.
Digital Audio Workstation.
RAM is ECC. unbuffered.
high amount of RAM.
often aftermarket or secondary sound card.

VEEW or VidEnc :  Mercedes G63 6x6 Super Jeep.
Video Encoding & Editing Workstation.
RAM is ECC. registered.
high amount of RAM.


Server Computer: 18 wheel Lorry

Can do all the tasks previously if equipped correctly, but is not designed to. manages security, file transfer and ip allocation. can move HUGE amounts of data easily. gets HOT! requires climate controlled area operation.


all of the above is of course, subject to conditions, and year.. that means a netbook from 2010 will kill out right.. like B in Kill Bill with a sword.. a desktop from 2000. values are relative. much like your family. :)

