Friday 20 June 2014

I long to hear the Zelda upgrade music.. DUH DA DUH DA! or why don't NV and AMD open up to more than 4 gpu cores?

As we approach a new era of gpu usage, and gpu scaling becomes tighter and better than ever before.. I think now is the time for Nvidia and AMD to start planning for the next year or two to release our cards from the 4 card restriction.. they have both done an excellent job this last ten years, congratz kudos and fanfare deserved!

now we are *firmly* in the 2010's.. time to look ahead to the next few short years, and I feel opening up the protocol to however people like use their hardware and putting the driver to work instead is the smart way to go.

more powerful cards  yes.. thank you thank you yes! but also a choice about how we wish to assemble our system.. its smarter for you to open up mid-range cards.. why? if you don't take their money someone else will with another component.. 4 way 5 way.. as many ways as motherboard manufacturer/chipset manufacturer can fit on a board, as many ways as customers like.

Imagine a horse, a thoroughbred, he can run the track in record time, but a trap brace can go much faster.. can be funded over time, and do not need to be thoroughbreds .. I would like to own two thoroughbreds, but money does not allow, and as such is a pipe dream, which comes with a luxury yacht and two Filipina models and it's this kind of thinking that may be holding back the industry, 'make an elite' with price another company from another component field receives my money.



Sunday 1 June 2014

Inde AA and Major Publisher AAA.. or Sagat vs Ryu

David Shaw
3 April · Edited

It's the hip thing these days to have a few inde games under your belt but If you are a AAA title only guy, I personally think thats okay too, coz you do what you enjoy!.. however I do enjoy inde games and have a few inde titles in my steam list myself, I have two categories, Inde and Inde AA.. the AA are the ones I felt were the best titles, and that's what I'd like to share in case you missed them. .. but rem with inde titles always youtube them first. word to the wise there.

'Nightsky'. It's a chill out puzzle game. atmospheric. level driven.

'The Stanley Parable'. anti-story within a story that never ends that's actually an anti-story.. that might be a story. narration driven.

'Splice'. DNA puzzle game. level driven.

'Kairo'. I'm new to Kairo..but I think the idea is excellent. exploration driven.

Couple of semi-indes too

Black Mesa. a remake of Half Life. available on Desura. ..just wow! .. I'm not HL fan, for Valve I'm a Portal guy, but this is 100% prime steak for free guys.

..did you also know Sniper Ghost series is ..inde?

Digressing slightly.. there has been offenders in the past.. EA.. who used to claim all physical media as their own, yes including the stuff you bought from them.. you were 'renting'. Ubisoft.. ooft! I don't know what your religious preferences are guys.. but I'm a believer and I don't expect to pay £40 to be insulted. y'see its not a game makers job to ridicule me or my beliefs no matter what they personally think of them.. why? because they make you pay for the game first, not decide whether you want to pay after.

To note though, since Origin.. EA have become much more friendly to the community.. they are giving away Dead Space right now for free on Origin.

And Ubisoft have yet to apologize

So why shouldn't people look elsewhere. and shake the foundations of every self serving company? every company *COUGH* CAPCOM *COUGH* that doesn't do any dev work and skates it to starving low level dev team for buttons. IP skating is a community crime of which Capcom, now pumps out as standard.. that they don't invest any money in their on EARTH they expect to grow their dying franchise portfolio, is beyond me.

So even if you love AAA, which I do too.. there are more reasons than you might think for checking out inde games..
