Sunday 25 November 2018

Fallout 76.. A Game of Woes..or how can FO76 be fixed?


Back in March I wrote an article about how Zenimax could maximise profits:

I see they *may* have took my advice, however when it's ES or FO.. people come FOR the story, not despite it.

FO76 is a FO themed Rust clone without PVP.

Crazy huh?

IF FO76 was a FO themed Borderlands jump in co-op style game.. that would make sense.
An EPIC story you could play with friends, every 6 months launching a new episode, with new (NV sized) lands, new bad guys/huge bosses and new story.

BUT surprisingly, I say.. this *can* be fixed!

Please, kindly.. do what I suggest in the original article.. hire Obsidian and/or Chris Avellone, give them half the cash to fix the game, introducing a new storyline.. idk.. a new huge boss threatens the land.. Chris could work it out, I'm just riffing.

First episode is free if you already own the game, then every 6 months new episode done by Obsidian, split the cash 50/50.


Do nothing.

Be resigned having your studio's name in the bargain bin.

Watch future title sales plummet.

Be Sega in the 90s.

(quite famously.. Sega didn't care what fans thought of them and pumped fans wallets for irrelevant hardware.. by 2002 they had ended their hardware division)

I am shrewd enough to guess this was a port of the old studios game that was almost canned due to Dev purgatory.. and that the game was whipped up from 6 months work.

I don't have a problem with that. It's smart to recycle assets to minimise profit loss .. but Zenimax.. guys you missed the things I bulletended most about FO

"The years on these assets seem to be rolling by, with it being over 2 years since Bethesda release Fallout 4. As I said.. that's 2 years without them making any 'new' money. Ultimately when a game becomes a gamers 'main game' what they are usually looking for is;

1. plenty of content.
2. an excellent story.
3. excitement with occasional comedy."

FO76 has:

1. Very little content.
2. No story, aside from lore.
3. a bug every 5 minutes.

I have finished any rebuke I have for you, Bethesda/Zenimax..

You are now responsible for fixing this game. Give it to Obsidian/Chris Avellone.. roll huge trucks of cash up to their front door and say.. 'please fix this'. Because people.. they wanted a Fallout game  with a co-op flavor ala ~ Borderlands, not a non-PVP Rust clone.

OB/CA know how to write stories..

Just tell everyone: 'I am very sorry we screwed up. Honestly. It was a mistake. But a mistake we are going to fix, so kindly.. we ask ever so gently, even though we know we do not deserve it, please consider FO76 Bethesda launch as a beta and look forward to Obsidians launch as the prime launch.'

Hey maybe even work out a deal for Obsidian to debug Gamebryo.. that engine is old, backwards and buggy as bug season in the tropics. Seeing if they were doing regular releases of FO76 episodes? why not?




Update: 30/11/2018

About 5 minutes ago I was doing some research and it struck me.. Zenimax/Bethesda owns the Doom Engine (id Tech 5) from id Software.. its an excellent engine and can keep pace with the most detailed engine there is: Unreal.  why not retool it with a Gamebryo style front face.. like when you skin an OS to look like another OS.. make the tools work the same as Gamebryo (last update to Gamebryo 2012 4.0) .. I think this would limit modularity for Mod Devs, but so long as Bethesda are willing to release tools .. 'build it and they will come.'
