Wednesday 25 February 2015

DCUO Blog: TL;DR. Thoughts on playing since 2011 (EU player)

:from the DCUO forums posted by me:

Hi guys

TL;DR Warning!

Firstly, hi I'm SigmaAtom started playing in 2011, and had a two year break after the cr* and content ran out. There's other things too like pro7, the great leagues collapsing, I remember that!.. after that league bosses had become mean and started getting recruits to farm exos for them.. after I started my own league, we didn't do that, we helped people, as I was taught by my mentor in one the very first dcuo leagues. but my league mates found it too much work with college.. so I left for 2 years. And returned this month, no more pro7, and SOE has changed to Daybreak.

Things were different for the EU and US side, I should imagine.

DCUO is my only MMO.. I mean that, I'm not really interested in any other and have only played PSO back in the Dreamcast days. Gotham and Metro are my home.


There are things I have wanted for many years, like personalization of pets style and a skill tree, and things more recently, like pro7's destroying of SOE profits, with 7cash for almost free (yes it was wild on the EU side, you could get 7cash and buy DLC and many other things with times 10 stationcash/7cash bonus buys, back a couple of years ago) I wholeheartedly agree with SOE/DB on the change in policy for their profits, only allowing certain content for download with Stationcash.

I had wondered a few things also since being back, in the EU the Hero's side is the most popular, I hear the villains side being dead, with the opposite in the US, wouldn't it make sense of we merged the servers to save money for the new Daybreak company, just increase the US servers? YMMV, but I don't have any bad lag using the US servers, I did note on one occasion (i take it) some young teen american verbally mocking a spanish guy for speaking spanish in shout, but aside from that, when I have been on, no real problems with lag.

Recently on the EU side, there has been constant disconnection & lagging, but aside from the aforementioned problems the community is healthier, to note; also griefing was a huge problem 2 years ago and I am so happy to say has now. stopped. but the lag and disconnection will not keep regular players coming back.

I mentioned pets, I am a troller primarily, and having a pet for solos is so important, with the troller being able to 'give a punch but not take a punch' I need a pet that can tank a bit for me, while I have a sidekick, and the AI is excellent, I keep thinking the gadgets/batman pet style and stance could be tweaked, with 'pet styles' being a random reward from promethium boxes, and regardless being able to change pet colour to match, I have a new Rage tank/dps and would love my pet to be red, as cyan clashes with the red. Skill trees I feel would enhance my whole pet experience, they would only need a few skill points so not OP, but have four trees for each class and once you use a pet skill point in one tree that is the only class that can be used, but pet skills could be reset and used/saved for each type of armory build, providing you have an armory for each of your builds.

I would love to personalize my experience with pet naming, it would bring me deeper into my char, and increase my over satisfaction of playing.

I must mention I have a Lantern Jack pet, his AI is by far the best AI I have used in the game aside from the sidekicks, he tanks perfectly for me when I am trolling. Wish he was a permanent pet like the gadgets one.

I want to commend SOE/DB for such original ingenuity in the armory system, you have basically invented a save point in a MMO.. genius! versatile, giving us in-depth access to our potential without overpowering players.

I note we do not have a community manager for the EU side, and no special events, I understand why, and it doesn't bother me, but having a few honoured members that are long term league bosses recognized by Daybreak, might be an idea. I don't know, just a thought.

Home Turf has been loads of fun, I have really enjoyed the content, the league halls, and bonuses provided for having a lair, it made my return so much easier, Im cr 98 now, and so glad to come back at a time when people are polite, there is so much new content and the overall feeling of optimism is healthy within the community and healthy for me.

I note my T4 solos have disappeared and hope to have those and more solos back soon. as I play mostly at night as I have sleep apnoea and am on at random times, this makes waiting for raids near impossible unless i am up at the same time as friends or league-mates. The Gotham Wastelands was a great ticket through my 80+cr, and I still go there everyday just for fun, went by quite fast, and mostly Mogo is dead for players with only a few exceptional times is it busy with people and queues. GW was easy to meet new people, Mogo has been hard, people not seeming to want to even talk. no idea why.

Overall.. I just love the new content! I hear from the higher up cr's though rumblings of running out, which is a shame, I feel if we could have deeper content, this may keep them happy. I feel Central City is a space that could be opened up for OW raid bosses, more than one OW raid boss like 8, for the higher cr's, just making the area larger and using the OW bosses into their own raid, with classes for them. PVE raid group, in a slightly larger Central City. Raid vs Raid.

On the EU side there's not much PVP, as I mentioned the villains side is pretty much dead. I have a low level villain that I use for trading on their broker, the place is often deserted when i am in, and it was mention by a high level cr in WT shout.

This has been my honest opinion, both good and bad. I only want DCUO to thrive.

Have a bizarre and great day!


*the highest cr when i left was 92, I left at cr78 with no-one to play with, and many problems on the EU community side.

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