Sunday 6 August 2017

PS Now coming to PC.. some thoughts..

Hi guys

I came across PS Now by accident about 30 minutes ago, and like a flash I had some thoughts.

Subscription based gaming has always failed on PC, with the exception of MMOs, that's why I feel a PS client would do so much better.

You (Sony) make a PS client with built-in PS3/4 Emulator, then be a vendor for PS exclusive games. It's both simple to do and profitable.. there is NO WAY you can take on Valve on the PC and I don't think that's what you were trying to do with PS Now, but with the same token, Valve gives us and has given us a similar experience to your and MS's subscription based services but for free.

Clients are really the way to go here.. Origin, UPlay.. and yours would make the fourth place. The mighty Valve Gaben and Steam will rule all on PC, but even as I say that.. I heartily WELCOME Sony into the PC marketplace, and was pleased to see you venture in here with PS Now, but as I know PC gamers being one of them, we don't really like paying for subs, unless it's an MMO.

Talking about this in general, Sega have REALLY upp'ed their game in recent years towards PC gamers so much so I have been wondering if they are going to release their own client.

They sell their 'classic' games with a built-in emulator on Steam for a reasonable price, and since they upped their game, I have purchased many. (around 20 games or so since 2014)

I no longer own a console, I switched to PC in 2011/12 and glad I did.. do I miss a few console things? sure.. I miss Zelda. actually that's a about it.. I miss Zelda. But then again, Nintendo are being avocados to YT content creators and basically scamming YT and the creators so..  forgot them!

What I'm basically saying is: Sony, you have rights to exclusives we can't get on PC, so with a client you can become a vendor and sell those games to us.. but golden rule; don't be an avocado. prices that we would actually pay to make your client a success.



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