Saturday 27 June 2015

Whole Lotta Cores.. or Intel vs AMD Future CPU's : Zen.

Hi Guys

I also hope AMD reads this..but first some music! :-)


The Zen FX CPU was announced a few weeks ago now, due end of 2016. (guestimated)

The 'guess specs'?


16 cores w/ 32 threads
L2: 32MB .8MB per quad. L3:  32 MB cache,
clock 4 to 5Ghz.
bus 250-300mhz.
DDR4 2333mhz -3200mhz four channel.

With such powerful hardware on the way, I'd like to suggest an idea to AMD..

Why not honestly re-brand and price the 8350 against the i3? Openly tell people, 'we re-branded and priced the FX8350 to compete with Intel i3, this means you get longer support as it's classed as a new chip.'

The competitor to the i5 could be your 12 core version of the 'Zen' 16 core, with 24 threads instead of 32. The idea being.. Intel can't do this structure as they place so much money into their core efficiency and so thats where their profit is. You did this before with the Phenom II's and we understood, but becuase the Phenom II/Deneb's weren't good enough, it made no real impact on Intel, because the cores weren't efficient enough

Vishera was .. different.

Right now at 3% total marketshare they have your backs against the wall..our backs.
We shouldn't take such a beating without fighting back.. and as it is OUR HERITAGE to add cores.. i say lets do it!!

I always say AMD vs Intel = truck vs race car. We know.. we have known for a long time, its how you do business, you bring Opteron Server tech to the desktop, to us.. its smart! Give us gamers and enthusiasts your biggest rig... 16 wheeler lorry with 32 exhaust pipes! Barrelling down the highway, unstoppable.

With 3 lorries of such high capacity, I don't see how Intel could compete. Imagine..

FX400 Series
8 cores
238Mhz bus. 18.5 multiplier.
DDR4 2333mhz.

FX600 Series
12 cores w/ 24 threads
242mhz bus. 19 multiplier.
DDR4 2666mhz.

FX800 Series
16 cores w/ 32 threads
252mhz bus. 19 multiplier.
DDR4 3200Mhz

People criticized us for having too little power.. then criticised us for having too much power. The real truth is.. people find things to do with powerful hardware. Now with 8 cores I *should* be able to stream.. and even render if I so like.. there's more out there.. I just haven't discovered it yet.

We need a decent chipset too, powerful one, full of M.2 connectors, not SATA which is starting to look like a serial port. packed with PCIE lanes for everything. PCIE 3.0 with forward upgradeability to PCIE 4.0, via a bios update and new CPU upgrade... did I mention about the M.2 slots..? they ROCK!

I don't enjoy mindless rivalry. I am a bit upset though to hear such a low market share..I always root for you in the desktop market, been with you for 10 years AMD, since the start. .2016 will be a big year.

bags the first ROADKILL!



*(changed it from the original coz it was too weird)

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